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RN to BSN Curriculum: What Types of Courses Can You Expect?


2021年4月, 国家护理委员会全国委员会发布了2020年全国护理人员调查的结果. 这些结果表明 65.2% of the RNs surveyed were prepared at the baccalaureate level or higher. 调查还发现,学士学位是护士寻求进入护理行业执照时最常见的证书.

许多获得文凭或副学士学位以进入该领域的注册护士现在看到了获得学士学位的价值. Whether they want to remain competitive in the field, open the door to new opportunities or increase salary expectations, the BSN offers a multitude of advancement opportunities.

然而, 考虑在继续平衡全职护士职业和个人责任的同时获得学位可能会令人生畏. This guide helps demystify the path from RN to BSN, 帮助你更好地理解这些课程,以及作为一名注册护士到BSN学生的期望.

Get a FREE guide to help you advance your career, featuring helpful advice and thoughtful insights from nursing experts.


What Content Can Nurses Expect to Learn During an RN to BSN 程序?

Earning a BSN degree requires completion of 120 credit hours. 然而, 一个转换友好的注册护士到BSN学位完成课程是专门为拥有副学士学位(ADN)或护理文凭的注册护士设计的. These programs can accept up to 90 transfer credits, which means licensed RNs can complete their BSN degree in as few as 12 months.

注册护士到BSN课程的设计是建立在你现有的教育和经验,作为一个护理专业. 通过参加以下公共课程,您将获得医疗保健组织在护理关键能力方面所寻求的需求技能.

  • 护理领导与管理: Explore concepts in strategic planning, 质量改进, 患者安全, 改变理论和沟通,建立重要的领导技能,这将有助于护士有效地导航医疗保健组织.
  • 健康评估及促进: 拓宽和提高健康促进方面的现有知识和技能,例如疾病, injury and illness prevention—and assessment, which focuses on a holistic approach to recognizing patient issues.
  • Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice: Gain skills in the research process, 包括方法论, design and interpretation of findings. 学习将研究转化为新的过程和护理实践,促进高质量和安全的患者护理.
  • 社区卫生护理: 在个人和人口两级发展促进健康和预防疾病策略的坚实基础,以便改善个人的健康结果, 家庭, 群体和整个群体.
  • 健康信息: 了解医疗保健信息基础设施的设计和挑战, 以及医疗保健数据管理中的当前问题,包括HIPAA立法和电子健康记录.
  • 医疗保健法律和道德: Develop a strong foundation of health law, 什么使护士能够解决护士每天与病人互动时面临的常见法律和道德问题.

Career Outcomes Provided by an RN to BSN 程序

今天的顶级雇主正在寻求雇用、提升和留住那些获得BSN的护士. 根据Lightcast™,BSN是注册护士十大正规赌博平台大全排行中最受欢迎的学位. This data shows how the BSN is quickly becoming the standard of nursing care.

注册护士到BSN学位课程提供了技能和证书,以提高护士的病人护理能力,使他们在护理领域更有市场. 通过完成注册护士到BSN计划,护士将获得明显的职业优势. BSN-qualified nurses are prepared to:

  • Deliver superior, evidence-based care by translating research into on-the-ground nursing practices
  • 成为领导者 在他们当前的组织中承担新的管理级别的责任 
  • Directly apply lessons learned and new skills to drive 质量改进 processes and improve 患者安全
  • Increase adoption of new technologies 在病人护理环境中
  • 进行有效的沟通 这使得跨部门和级别的协作和效率成为可能
  • Provide better care to populations across the spectrum of age, race, culture and community



注册护士到BSN计划包括严格的课程,将护理技能提升到一个新的水平. 然而,一个RN到BSN程序的难度程度往往在于程序的设计方式. 

There are common levers that can make earning your BSN more difficult. 在确定注册护士到BSN计划是否真正支持你实现目标时,需要注意以下几点. 

To complete your degree more efficiently, avoid programs with:

而不是, 专注于寻找高质量的工作, 经过认证的在线注册护士到BSN计划将帮助您实现您的目标.

Advantages of the 在线 RN to BSN Curriculum At 十大正规赌博平台大全排行

十大正规赌博平台大全排行 offers a leading RN到BSN程序 built for the lives of busy, working nurses. Franklin’s program stands out because it offers:

  • 100% online curriculum with no in-person requirements
  • Affordable tuition rates, an automatic $3,000 scholarship and no hidden fees
  • 慷慨的转移信贷, 平均, students transfer in nearly two-thirds of the credits required for the BSN
  • Commission on Collegiate Nursing 教育

As a student in the RN到BSN程序 at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行, you can also expect to benefit from industry-leading curriculum, 哪些是由具有丰富护理经验的专业人员开发和教授的. 创新课程包括:

  • 护理和保健遗传学, 它关注的是人类在健康和疾病方面的差异,并为你更好地照顾更多不同的人群做好准备.
  • 卫生政策, 这将拓宽你对政治和政策制定在该领域的作用的看法,并为你必须驾驭这些政策以实现组织目标的领导角色做好准备.
  • 健康信息治理, 这将有助于深入了解如何将医疗数据用作改善患者护理的重要资产和改善组织的战略资产.

This is just a small glimpse at what you can learn at Franklin. 了解更多有关 Franklin RN到BSN程序 curriculum 以及它如何对你的职业生涯有益.

How to Personalize and Advance Your Nursing Career